The Roman Historical Group manages the Roman Legionary Museum, for which activities he was awarded the Medal of the President of the Republic and hosts every year beyond 10.000 visitors.


The Roman Historical Group organizes educational events dedicated to the History and Civilization of the Ancient World all over the world, collaborating with the most important historical festivals.


The Gladiators:
However little ancient history in general is known, everyone or almost everyone knows, that gladiator fights took place in Rome. No other expression of Roman culture, today it has a similar popularity to theirs.
They were not bloodthirsty fighters, but fighters who dueled at a high technical level.
As well as the munera (gladiatorial games), it was not a purely recreational show, but it emerges as a place where popular strength manifests itself in the face of a ritual combat... which transformed you from an outcast to a divinity.


The Roman legion is recognized as one of the most emblematic military forces of antiquity, characterized by discipline, organization and strategy. Initially composed of approx 5.000 soldiers, the legionaries were distinguished by their rigorous training and courage in the field. Each legion served as an autonomous micro-society, divided into cohorts and maniples, with the famous eagle as a symbol of strength, unity and identity.

Besides the fighting, legionaries were also trained in engineering, contributing to the construction of infrastructure such as roads, fortifications and aqueducts, fundamental elements for the expansion and Romanization of the conquered territories. Their presence was essential to maintain order and stability, key factors for the affirmation of the Roman Empire.


In a world that sometimes seems to rush towards the future without looking back, the Roman Historical Group acts as a time portal, with the power to connect us to an ancient and fascinating Rome. Their mission is an ode to informed research and vibrant education, offering a bright reflection of days gone by, so that we can walk forward with a greater understanding of the path that brought us to today's world.


The Roman Historical Group manages the Roman Legionary Museum, for which activities he was awarded the Medal of the President of the Republic and hosts every year beyond 10.000 visitors.


The Senators Sector, aims to rebuild, as much as possible, the essential aspects of the daily life of a Roman Senator, through timely and continuous historical-philological research. Particular attention is paid to costumes and the choice of fabrics, both how it is shaped. Another significant aspect of the sector is the scenic reconstruction of the most significant historical facts and events such as: “the Ides of March, Catiline's conspiracy, The Pisoni conspiracy, the Arvali rite and many others.
The Sector, participates in all historical events/shows organized by the G.S.R. both in Italy and abroad. The Senators meet every Thursday evening, at the Group's historic headquarters.


The I Cohorte Praetoria Palatina of the Roman Historical Group represents the elite of the imperial guard, composed of the chosen soldiers most loyal to the emperor. This elite unit is reconstructed with the utmost historical accuracy, faithfully reproducing the armor, the weapons and tactics of the Praetorian Guard of the imperial era. Its members take part in marches, re-enactments and combat demonstrations, embodying the values ​​of discipline, loyalty and protection of the Roman Empire. Their presence evokes the authority and power of ancient Rome, protecting the highest positions and participating in the most solemn moments of public and military life. The I Cohorte Praetoria Palatina is one of the most prestigious sections of the Roman Historical Group, symbol of the power and greatness of the Empire.


The Vestals of the Roman Historical Group have the objective of keeping alive the memory of this group of priestesses who in ancient Rome represented the guardians of the Sacred Fire; a fire that always had to remain lit as a symbol of the prosperity and power of Rome.
Six girls who cross the CAPTURE OF THE VIRGIN they became priestesses and who dedicated their lives to Rome and its rites such as the famous Palilia rite which is re-enacted every year during Rome's Christmas celebrations.

to the shore

The fasces is one of the first symbols of Rome, together with the She-Wolf and the Eagle, already present in the era of the mythical 7 Re, and probably inherited from the Etruscans. It represents power, the authority of the state, symbol of republican Rome and Roman Law. The main officials of the Roman Republic were the magistrates and lictors. The former were assigned imperium, i.e. the power of justice and to impose punishments. The lictors instead had the task of defending the magistrate and dispensing the punishments ordered by the magistrate. The lictor, Therefore, went around with a bundle of 30 rods tied with leather thongs into which an ax was stuck. The rods were used for whipping the criminals and the ax for the more serious cases in which a limb or head had to be cut off for the death penalty. The magistrates, Therefore, they went around the city to administer justice surrounded by lictors whose number depended on the degree of imperium.
Dictator: 24 to the shore, Console: 12, Proconsul: 11, Master of the horse: 6, Praetor: 6, Cleaner: 5, Construction: 2

